Therapeutic treatment that applies electrical stimulation in treating muscle spasms and pain. This treatments is often used as a “supplement” to classical physiotherapy. It can help prevent atrophy and build strength in patients with injuries.
How it works
The electrode pads which are placed on the skin cause the target muscles to contract and thus decrease inflammations etc.
The harmless electrical current pulses and ultrasound applied in this treatment have different beneficial effects on the tissue:
- Promotion of blood circulation
- Stimulation of the muscle activity or relaxation of the muscles
- Pain control
- Heating of the skin and deeper tissue coatings
- Metabolic stimulation
Types of Electrotherapy
Electric stimulation can be muscular, general and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation depending on the diagnosed condition. Electrotherapy includes a range of treatments using electricity to reduce pain, improve circulation, repair tissues, strengthen muscles etc.
Electrotherapy can also work well when combined with other physical therapy modalities.